Michael Naughton Takes over in Ulster

Letterkenny Hotelier Michael Naughton became the 9th President of Ulster Ladies GAA on Sunday last when he accepted his medal of office from outgoing boss Joe Lagan. In his acceptance speech Michael said, “It is an honour and privilege for me to accept this appointment and I will work tirelessly for all. I hope over the next 3 years to get out to meet the grassroots”.

Michael Naughton Receives the Medal of Office from Joe Lagan

In his farewell address Joe Lagan thanked everyone who had helped him over the past 3 years and said “I am delighted to be handing over to a sound pair of hands in Michael Naughton”.

The meeting was the largest AGM for sometime and started with Mary Keegan delivering a comprehensive report on the activitites of 2015. Reports were then delivered by Paul Swift, Ciaran Murtagh and Philip O Hare. John Joe Brady excellent financial statements showed us to be in a healthy position going forward. Paddy Donnelly produced 2 reports. The first on registration showed an increase on registration numbers from last year of 1173 bringing the total number registered in the province to 16, 858. His second report gave a comprehensive run down on the 95 games organised in 2015. The final report of the day was received from Irish language and cultural officer Caroline Brady.

Three motions were discussed and carried and will now be forwarded to National Congress. Only one election took place and that was for the post of Secretary. Gerry Doherty successfully secured the position at the expense of Mary Grimes. The full Executive Committee is:
President – Michael Naughton
Vice President – Eileen Jones
Secretary – Gerry Doherty
Assistant Secretary – Lucy Groom
Treasurer – John Joe Brady
Assistant Treasurer – Annette Boyle
Registrar – Paddy Donnelly
PRO – Paul Swift
Development Officer – Philip O Hare
Culture and Language Officer – Caroline Brady Sub Committees will be selected at the next meeting which is scheduled for Wednesday 27th January at 8-30pm.

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