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Mourneabbey take Under 21 Blitz Title

take Under 21 blitz title


Cork ladies Football. By Fr Liam Kelleher

Mourneabbey take under 21 blitz title.

Mourneabbyey under 21 team Co Champions

Moureabbey added the under 21 blitz title to their growing
list of success, when they defeated Donoughmore in the final
at Donoughmore on Saturday last. Powered by 6 of the current
high flying Cork Minor squad and missing three more, Kathleen
O’Brien and Aisling Thompson camogie tied and Jenny Luddy,
these talented bunch of girls were never in danger of not
justifying the favourites tag. They scored a comprehensive
2-7 to 0-2 win over Rosscarbery in the Semi final and had
14 points to spare over a gallant Donoughmore outfit who
had a much tougher Semi-final when the surprised St vals
on a 6-2 to 2-4 scoreline. Thanks to the Donoughmore club
who hosted the event led by Dan O’Mahony who presented the
cup to Rebecca Larkin Mourenabbey Capt. Inch Rovers and
Naomh Fionbarra also took part in the competition which
had a very high standard of football.

Donoughmore team who lost to Mournabbey
in the Co Under 21 final

Season swings into action.

With the improvement in the weather the season is now in
full swing with a number of games at under 14, 16 Junior
and Senior level taking part. While many teams are not at
full Championship strength clubs have an opportunity to
try out new players. Last years Co Finalists St Val’s had
a hard earned win over All-Ireland Intermediate Champions
Inch who were missing a number of key players The final
score St Val’s 1-16 Inch 2-6. Rockchapel failed to field
a full team in their Senior encounter with Rockban who are
trying to get back to full strength again after a few lean
years since winning the All-Ireland Junior and Intermediate
titles. Beara Proved too strong for last years Munster Junior
Champions KIldorrery, final score Beara 2-15 Kildorrery
1-5 In the Junior 12 a side competition Glanmire had a comprehensive
4-9 to 2-3 win over Castlemagner. The newly formed Ballypheane
club travelled to Grenagh to take on the home team they
are had plenty of players and plenty of enthusiasm, but
were no match for the local girls who made their debut last
year and showed plenty of promise even though they started
with just 10 players for the first 10 minutes, they ran
out easy winners on a score line of 3-15 to 0-0 which does
not truly reflect Ballypheanes effort they missed a number
of good scoring chances including a penalty. It was Grenagh’s
first competitive adult win since the club was founded.
New clubs like Ballypheane need support and they should
try and get personnel from the club to attend the fundamental
coaching courses. Other results to hand. Under 14 league
Inch Rovers 3-5 Carrigtwohill 0-1. Ballincollig 3-7 Nemo
Rangers 1-9. I’m sure there were many other games played
but the results are not to hand. If you have any results
text to 087-8516984 or email to liamkelleher44@hotmail.com

Golf classic.

The Annual golf classic takes place in Kantuk golf club
on Saturday April the 2lst, the Co Board is running a draw
in conjunction with clubs and clubs can also make funds
for themselves by participating. Golf society membership
is also open to males and female for the Cork ladies Football
golf society. Outings have been fixed for Macroom, Friday
July 6th Waterock, Friday May 11th Lee Valley September
Membership for the year is just €50.

Coaching course.

With 2 very successful fundamentals coaching courses completed
which attracted over 40 club coaches, the next level; level
1 is currently being advertised. The course will take place
in Carrignavar on the 28th of April and to date 7 people
have signed up, a maximum of 20 is required, places on a
first come first served basis. Contact Fr Terry at 087-7958231.


Nutrition is very important in sport and the Ladies Football
Association in conjunction with the VHI are holding a seminar
on Wednesday April the 18th at he Clarion hoel Lapps Quay
Cork at 6.30pm admission is free for places ring Diane at
01-8363156 or email diane@ladiesgaelic.ie

The seminar will focus on improving your overall health,
fitness and diet and tips on how to minimise stress. The
line-up of guest speakers on the evening includes Nuala
Collins who has worked in hospitals as a Clinical Nutritionist,
in industry as Chief Nutritionist with the National Dairy
Council and has most recently set up a Food and Nutrition
Consultancy company, will deliver advice on Nutrition. Karen
Belshaw, who founded and is currently the director of Stress
management Ireland, will deliver on minimising stress. Philip
Phelan has been involved with a wide range of clients both
in fitness training and rehabilitation environment. Philip
has also worked as a consultant to GA,A, Soccer, Rugby,
boxing and athletics to Olympic standard. Rosaleen O’Brien
from the Irish Cancer Society will give advice on ways to
reduce your cancer risks.

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