12 December 2005 Munster Ladies Football AGM 2005 Share this Article 0 0 0 Shares! 0 Shares! Munster Ladies Football AGM 2005 Delegates from the 6 Counties in Munster gathered at the Greenhills hotel, in Limerick on Sunday last to review another outstanding year for the Province. In terms of success Cork dominated the Provincial scene winning all the titles. Senior, Junior, Minor under 16 and 14. At National level Cork won their first Senior title, as well as taking the under 16 crown. Cork were also successful in the Suzuki League final also for the first time, while Tipperary won the Div 3 tittle. At Club level 2 clubs from the Province achieved ultimate honours, Abbeydorney from Kerry winning the Intermediate All-Ireland crown, while Mourneabbey won the Junior crown. Donoughmore lost to eventual champions Ballyboden St Endas in a replay in the Senior grade in the All-Ireland Semi. Limerick hosted a very successful Feile Championship, with the Banner club of Clare taking the Div 2 title. At schools level, Intermediate School Killolrglin took the Junior A title, Pres Castleisland the Junior B title. Colaiste na Sceilge lost out in a thrilling, All-Ireland Senikor final to St Louis Monaghan after extra time. The Province had a good run in the Inter provincial championship, but surrendered their title after a great tussle with Leinster. Outgoing Chairman Dan OMah ony who was completing his 3rd year in office thanked all the Co Clubs and individuals who were so supportive to him during his term in office. He said that during that time many friendships were forged that would last a life time. HON Secretary Marie Halvey who took up the position as Provincial Administrator during the year, detailed the happening of the Council in a very comprehensive report. After detailing every single game played at inter-co level. The secretary, then thanked all the referees , pitch co-ordinators, grounds people umpires 4th officials and anybody who made themselves available to help the Council during the year. Also those those ho collected at gates throughout the Province She then complimented the Peil Magazine committee and especially Alan Gun and Fr Liam Kelleher editors for the fine job they were doing The secretary also thanked the Munster GAA Board for their help and support. Marie went on to say Success is measured by victory, but it is important to remember all who give of their time and , expertise, be it in coaching teams. administrating, or being involved in some way or another. Over the past season many titles came to the Province, from Post Primary Schools, Underage Inter-Co. Adult tiles at club and Co and all those who did not win, you were a success, as competing is success in itsellf. However there were a few unsavoury incidents during the season, we must all reflect on these and do whatever needs to be done to ensure they are not repeated. After all its sport, nurturing our players from childhood to adulthood and as leaders lets be professional in directing, our charges, in the correct direction, on the long winding road. A sincere thank you to my fellow officers throughout the Province for your co-operation. Words will not do justice tot he efforts of Dan OMahony as Munster President for the last 3 years. He has been an excellent ambassador and major driving force. He represented the Province outstandingly well at National level and he set standards that will be hard to equal in the years ahead. He has been fair but firm at all times, giving up his time freely without any qualms. ASs President he gave each and every personal equal chance to put forward their points of view. He dealt with difficult situations honestly and fairly We must thank his wife Rose and family for supporting him at all times. Thank you Dan but do not dream about retiring as you have much to offer this Council and Association in the years ahead. A very sincere thanks to South Libeties club who have been home of Munster Ladies Gaelic Football Council for the past number of months. Their committee has been extremely courteous to our Association and are always available to assist us at all times. As we reflect on 2005, with many memories, relax for a time, recharge the batteries and return in 2006 with renewed energy to a season, of challenges, new developments and many surprises The report of Tom Madigan showed that the Provinces finances were in a healthy state George Young presented a fine development report prepared with his fellow Development officer Colette OGrady, with all Counties making a huge effort to increase the participation, in the sport in Munster. Registrar Sharon OKeefe gave a breakdown on registrations in the Provinces. Showing Cork had now 53 clubs with 3904 members. Clare had 21 clubs with 1,4571, Kerry 31 clubs with 1,788 members. Limerick 21 clubs and 1305 members Tipperary 22 and 1747 members. and Waterford 19 clubs and 999 members. Fr Liam Kelleher PRO Thanked all the media at every level for the in creased coverage of the Sport during the year. Officers elected. President Michael Ryan Waterford. Vice President. Dan OMahony Cork, Hon Sec Marie Halvey. Limertick Assistant Sec Eileen OBrien. Cork. Treasure Tom Madigan Limerick Assistant Treasurer Ann OConnor Kerry. Registrar Sharon OKeefe Cork Development Officer George Young Waterford. Culture and Gaelic language officer. Michael OSullivan Cork PRO Fr Liam Kelleher Cork Share this Article 0 0