New Club Development Initiative Launched!



The Ladies Gaelic Football Association are delighted to launch our new Club Development Initiative called ‘Club2Gether’ and applications are now open but please note only 10 clubs will be accepted for the first year.


What is Club2Gether?

Club2Gether is a new and exciting LGFA club development initiative aimed at strengthening club structures. This initiative focuses on developing areas such as volunteer recruitment and retention, governance & officer training, sponsorship and fundraising, games development as well as planning for the future to ensure sustainable structures are in place going forward.


What are the aims of the Club2Gether Programme?

  • To support a Club in developing their structures from playing to administration level
  • To assist struggling or developing clubs to build solid foundations for the future
  • To provide high quality role specific training for administrators and coaches in clubs
  • To increase recruitment and retention rates of volunteers and players.

What are the benefits of running Club2Gether in your Club?

  • FREE training will be provided to your officers and coaches in your Club
  • Resources will be provided to your Club to assist with building sustainable structures
  • Clubs will complete the programme with a basic 2 year plan in place
  • Increase in retention rates of volunteers in your club
  • There is the potential for your club to become a more vibrant, active part of the local community.


What clubs may apply for the programme?



A Struggling Club – an already registered LGFA Club who are struggling and can show evidence that want to improve their structures.


An Established Club – an already registered LGFA Club who wants to improve structures and can show evidence of this.


A New club – potential for a new LGFA club to form. Clear evidence must be provided to show that potential for a new club exists and appropriate structures can be put in place.


What does the Club2Gether programme entail for your Club if your application is successful?

  • All officers of the club committee must be willing to commit to attend the three training dates provided
  • All clubs must attend the three National training dates and this training is only provided to successful clubs
  • The club must be open to improving their structures and welcoming all new members
  • The programme involves 3 training days covering various topics that will assist the club to improve and strengthen their structures. Please see details on topics below
  • There will be a number of basic tasks to be completed by the club between sessions
  • A FUNdamentals course and Code of Ethics course will be organised regionally and only open to members of successful clubs
  • The club must monitor their progress through completion of a logbook
  • The programme is free but commitment is essential


The Next Steps:

Step 1:

Complete the application form and forward by post or email to Lyn Savage before Monday 10th October 2016 (See application form for contact details).


Step 2:

The National Development Team will contact all applicants via e-mail to announce the 10 successful clubs before October 17th.

Step 3:

All club committee members must attend training dates below.

Step 4:

All clubs must commit to work on improving their club structures.

What are the dates the club must attend and what are topics covered?

Day 1

19th November 2016


Volunteer Recruitment & Retention

Matching the Roles


Day 2

11th February 2017

Review of tasks from Day 1

Good Governance

Club Officer Specific Training

Sponsorship, Fundraising & Accessing Funding

Day 3

24th June 2017

Review of tasks from Day 2

Games Development

Planning for the Future


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See all LGFAClubs