New Vetting Procedures Now in Place


With the commencement of the National Vetting Bureau Acts 2012 to 2016 from today the 29th April 2016, the National Vetting Bureau will only accept National Vetting Bureau Applications which are submitted in accordance with the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Acts 2012 to 2016.

Since April 29th 2016 the vetting of all persons who volunteer to work with children or underage teams, i.e. teams and individuals under 18 years of age, and of those who volunteer to work with vulnerable adults as well is now mandatory in law under the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Acts 2012 to 2016. This now brings the mandatory process of Vetting into all 32 counties. It is but one part of the overall recommended recruitment and selection procedures for those who work on our behalf in areas of responsibility with children, young people and vulnerable adults, or who may at a later stage seek to work in such areas of responsibility.

Vetting, which is the pre-checking of an applicant’s background for criminal convictions or prosecutions is supported by Sport Ireland and by Sports NI in Northern Ireland and as part of Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children. Vetting and Police checks have been utilised by many Governmental agencies and by sports and community based organisations for a number of years.

In order to complete a Vetting Application with LGFA, the new process will require submission of two forms which can be downloaded and applicants must ensure to submit both forms together.  (Note Féile 2016 Host Applicants who have not yet applied for vetting will be facilitated for vetting after 9th May 2016 via GAA E Vetting process)

The two forms required, LGFA Identification Verification Form and Vetting Form are both saved as one document: LGFA Identification and Vetting Forms

For applicants aged 16 to 18, a completed Parental/Guardian Consent form (NVB3) must be submitted also.

A guidance document for completion of forms is also available for download and should be read by applicants before undertaking your LGFA Vetting application.

LGFA Guidance for the Completion of Identification and Vetting Form

LGFA Identification and Vetting Forms

LGFA NVB 3 Parent Guardian Consent Form

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