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Pool Running comes to Ireland

Pool Running comes to Ireland


Ireland ‘s First Aqua/Pool Running Workshops come to Dublin
27th/28th Oct 2007 (2 workshops repeated each day) – Individual
Personal Intelligent Training Programme, Full Demonstration
And Sport Specific Intelligent Training workshops plus –
Specialist Aquatic Physical Therapy Advice Attn: Athletes/Captains/Coaches

I am writing to let you know about this exciting venture
for all sportspeople – Aqua/Pool Running is beneficial to
every Sportsperson. When done correctly you get the same
benefits as running outdoors without all the pounding.

It is particularly suitable for people who are prone to
injuies. When an injury prevents you from training, Aqua
running acts as an excellent subsitute to keeping fit. In
fact if you add Aqua Running to your training programme
you will prevent injuries and be an overall stronger and
fitter person.

Ireland’s first Aqua/Pool Running workshops to take place
here in Dublin in the National Aquatic Centre on Saturday
27th October & Sunday 28th October – 11am – 4.45pm (same
workshop repeated each day). This method of cross training
is used by the many elite athletes plus the many soccer
teams including Chelsea, Aston Villa, Liverpool and many
more football teams along with the English Rugby Team,.

Professionals from the UK are coming over to give this Workshop
to some of Ireland’s elite and club athletes, Terry Nelson,
former Liverpool FC Footballer, British Transplant 5000m
World Champion and the UK’s leading aqua running expert
and aquatics Professional has trained in the USA and Canada
with the World’s leading aqua running instructors and top
sports professionals will give these workshops.

Along with Terry will be a Professional Aquatic
Rehabilitation expert in rehabilitating injured athletes in
moving form the deep end of the pool doing the pool running
to moving to the shallow end to undertake exercises and plyometrics
and speed training before moving onto land again. This workshop
is open to both coaches and athletes, I would appreciate if
you would bring details of this workshop to the attention
of other athletes in your club.

Further information can be found on http://www.aqua-running.co.uk/
click on Ireland on the bottom right corner. I attach a flyer
in PDF format and Pitcure format which I hope will be of interest
to you and and some of your members and clubs. If you are
interested in coming to the workshop or if you require further
details please do not hesitate to contact me. Kind regards
Muriel — Muriel Haire 3 Bayview Grove Killiney Co Dublin
Ireland Tel: 00 353 87 2491624




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