Ready..Steady..Play Programme arrives in Clare

Ready..Steady..Play Programme arrives in Clare


What is the Initiative about?

Ready, Steady, Play the volunteer programme that has been designed
by the Ladies Gaelic Football Association to recruit new people
to help out with teams within clubs throughout the country will
take place in Clare in the coming weeks. It is an initiative to
increase participation of ‘helpers’ within clubs. The programme
aims to guide volunteers through the basics of becoming involved
with their local club and assisting in coaching.

The programme works on a ‘Buddy’ system where the volunteer will
be introduced to the club by their ‘Buddy’, a current club mentor,
and they will guide and assist the volunteer through the programme.
As all clubs are aware it can be difficult to get help for the various
teams in the club and this course allows people with little or no
experience gain the confidence to become involved. The programme
does not require that the new volunteer becomes a mentor of a team
in the club but rather that they can assist the current mentors
of all teams involved.

The new volunteers will be introduced to the basic skills of Ladies
Gaelic Football and will be given the opportunity to learn how to
coach these skills and also to try and coach some of the skills
themselves. They will also be given details on the Code of Ethics
and Good Practice.

Who can participate?

Participants may be a parent, grand parent, sister, brother, aunt,
uncle, past players or those who have an interest in Gaelic Football
and want to get involved in their club.

Details of Course:

To complete the course volunteers must attend the 2 ½ hour training
course in the club. They must then assist with and deliver a section
in 4 coaching sessions. The Ready..Steady..Play pack contains all
warm ups, skill breakdowns, skill drills and games required to complete
this section. The volunteer must then complete an evaluation form
and upon approval they will be awarded with their coaching certificate.

Dates available:

Dates available for the course in Clare are as follows:

Friday 23rd November (1 Course in the evening)

Saturday 24th November (2 Courses available)

Sunday 25th November (1 course, if required)


Dependant on which clubs participate.

Cost / Number of Places?

FREE but places are limited so book NOW!!!

Closing Date:

Friday 16th November at 5pm.

Who to Contact:

If you would like more details on the above programme please contact
William Harmon 087 9794955 or by email: 



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