The 'Coach Your Teenage Player Roadshow' is now SOLD OUT

Come along to the LGFA’s coach education workshop focusing on teenage retention and providing tips for coaching teenage girls.

About this Event

The Ladies Gaelic Football Association have a hugely successful Gaelic4Teens Programme to educate coaches mentoring teams of teenage girls and this workshop will provide some of the hints and tips learned through that programme.

What will I learn?

• Needs & interests of teenage girls

• Tips to develop athletic & social skills

• Interventions for teenage drop out

Who is delivering the workshop?

Orlagh Farmer (Cork) and Fiona McHale (Mayo) are two of the LGFA Gaelic4Teens Ambassadors and the county stars will share their expertise and guidance.

When and Where?

Maynooth University on Saturday 30th November from 10.30am-2.30pm

Who should book?

Coaches of teenage players at club or county level

How much is the workshop?

€20 per attendee

How do I book?

Places at this event are now completely SOLD OUT.

You can download your official poster by clicking on this LINK. 


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