Ulster Ladies Convention

Ulster Ladies Convention – 30TH JANUARY 2007



Armagh’s Gerry Doherty is the new Ulster President. Gerry from
Mullabane and who teaches in St. Joesphs, Crossmaglen beat Donegal’s
Hugh Devenny in a two horse race for the post at the Ulster AGM.
Gerry takes over from Joe Lagan however the Derry native will remain
involved having beaten Oliver Gavan in a race to be Vice President.
Oliver who hails from Monaghan had held the position since 1995,
but he quickly put his disappointment of defeat behind him when
it was announced to the meeting that he was to become Honorary President
of the association in Ulster. The only other change in personnel
sees Annette Boyle from Armagh join Johnny Kelly as joint assistant

Several reports were delivered and ratified at the low key meeting.
Secretary Mary Keegan gave a detailed account of the affairs of
2006. Treasurer Seamus Fleming advised the meeting that it took
€128, 000 to run ladies football in the province in 2006. On
a more positive note income for the year was €146, 000. One
of the more interesting reports was that of Registrar John Joe Brady.
In 2006 11,732 members from 194 clubs affiliated to Ulster Council
which was an increase of 796 on the previous year. Once again Tyrone
led the way. The Red Hand County has 2750 members in 36 clubs. They
had managed to register 261 more than in 2005. Armagh also seen
a massive increase in its numbers from the previous year with an
additional 227 registering. The smallest number of registered members
was in Antrim were 328 registered in just 9 clubs. Fixtures Secretary
Paddy Donnelly reported a smooth year which seen 76 games in all
competitions refereed by 27 different referees.

In his outgoing Address, Joe Lagan told the delegates that he had
enjoyed his three years and he thanked all who had work hard to
keep ahead of the pack. He praised the players from the province
and added that we where blessed with a good standard of referees.
In concluding Joe said he hoped that the new president had as good
a time as he had.

On the motions front things were quiet. Two motions for Congress,
one Ulster Bye law and a recommendation were carried.

The new Ulster Committee for 2007 is:

President – Gerry Doherty (Armagh), Vice President – Joe Lagan (Derry),
Secretary – Mary Keegan (Armagh), Assistant Secretary – Mary Foy
(Monaghan), Treasurer – Seamus Fleming (Derry), Assistant Treasurers
– Johnny Kelly (Monaghan) and Annette Boyle (Armagh), Registrar
– John Joe Brady (Cavan), PRO – Paul Swift (Monaghan), Development
Officer – Philip O Hare (Down), Irish Culture Officer -Eileen Jones
(Tyrone), Fixtures Secretary – Paddy Donnelly (Tyrone).

Paul Swift – Ulster PRO – pswift5@eircom.net

Outgoing President Joe Lagan performs his last official function
when he present Oliver Gavan with his Honorary Presidency at the
Ulster Convention.

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