Volunteer Motivation: Key to Transformation course

Motivation: Key to Transformation course


There are still some places left on the Volunteer
Motivation: Key to Transformation course being held on Wednesday
April 18th in Coleraine House. Trainer for the day is Martin Cowling.
Martin is one of Australia’s leading consultants on volunteer management.
He has worked with commercial and not for profits for almost 20
years. Currently CEO of One Umbrella Australia Inc and CEO of People
First -Total Solutions, Martin works regularly in the US, UK and
Australia on areas connected with not for profit management, staff
motivation and effective volunteer management. He has strong coaching,
training, human resource and volunteer management skills and is
renowned internationally as an entertaining, practical and helpful

COURSE DETAILS: Volunteer Motivation: Key to Transformation Successful
volunteer-based organisations rely on the health of their volunteer
workforce. Managers must understand what factors are motivating
and de-motivating their volunteers. Utilising adult learning thechniques
and current research, this practical, interactive and fun session
identifies these factors and how they change during a volunteer’s
life cycle. Armed with this knowledge, the session demonstrates
how leaders can build strong volunteer programs.

By the end of the course you will be able to:

• Understand key factors which motivate and de-motivate volunteers

• Learn about key research findings regarding motivation

• Develop strategies to maximize motivating factors and minimize
de-motivating factors.

For information and booking details please contact Deirdre on 01
872 2622, or email info@volunteeringireland.ie. All bookings must
be accompanied by a booking form. The booking form can be downloaded
from our website www.volunteeringireland.ie

We look forward to seeing you on the day!

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