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Women in sport conference to be held in Armagh


Row: Gerard Houlahan, (Sports Development Officer Armagh
City Council), Diarmuid Cahill (Development Officer Women’s
Sport Network) Denise Martin (Sports Institute for NI),
Arlene Boyles (ex Irish International Hockey player), Dr.
Deirdre Brennan, (Sports studies University of Ulster and
former International basketball player), Claire Mc Collum
(UTV), Lynette Hughes Ladies Football)

in Sport Conference “A Level Playing Field”

Armagh Sports Forum and the Women’s Sports Network have
combined to organise a top level sports conference to
portray and address issues that face female sport in today’s

Sport like so many aspects of society does not provide
for a ‘level playing field’, and it is hoped that this
conference will establish where female sport is now and
where it can potentially be in the sporting society.

Various Speakers from the world of sport in Northern Ireland
and England will be taking part in the conference with
Dr Aideen McGinley, Permanent Under-Secretary for Department
of Culture, Arts and Leisure, Amanda Bennett, Equity Coordinator
with UK Sport and Helen Donohoe, Policy and Research Manager
with the Women’s Sports Foundation headlining the conference

A series of workshops/seminars will also take place during
the conference. Claire McCollum of UTV Sport fame will
compere the event as well as lead a workshop surrounding
the PR and Marketing of female sport with Paul Welsh,
Editor of the Fair Play magazine and Lynette Hughes of
Tyrone GAA acclaim.

Dr. Deirdre Brennan, a lecturer in Sport studies at the
University of Ulster and former International basketball
player and coach, in partnership with the legendary Olympian
Maeve Kyle shall deliver a session illustrating women’s
roles as players, coaches and officials.

Peter Shaw and W.I.S.P.A (Women in Sport and Physical
Activity) from the Greater Shankill area of Belfast will
show the levels of participation and recognition possible
on a non-competitive basis.

Finally, ex Irish International Hockey player Arlene Boyles
will team up with Denise Martin of the Sports Institute
for Northern Ireland to provide a high performance perspective.

The conference is open to anyone involved within female
sport (Coaches, player, officials etc) – this is an opportunity
not to be missed.

Conference Details:
Venue: Armagh City Hotel
Date: 19th February 2004 Time: 6.00 pm until 10.00

Conference is open to all and free

Further information is available from either Darren McArdle,
Sports Equity Officer Armagh Sports Forum (028 37 529636)
or Diarmuid Cahill, Development Officer, Women’s Sports
Network (077 18 205 764) or by logging onto the Women’s
Sports Network

Website: www.womens-sport.com


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