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Calling all workplaces! Now's the time to enter the 2023 LGFA Interfirms Blitz competition

The LGFA are delighted to announce the return of our Interfirms event. The LGFA Interfirms is a fun and rewarding way to develop your team both on and off the pitch.

Do you want to promote long-term physical activity and build corporate culture within the office, team or organisation?

Playing sport with colleagues promotes physical activity whilst building respect, trust, friendships and communication. Everyone’s a winner! This is the perfect opportunity to strengthen teamwork and spark healthy competition!


Click HERE to download a promotional poster for your company/workplace/office.


The Ladies Gaelic Football Association are inviting interested organisations to get involved and enter a team to the 2023 Inter-firm Blitz. A great opportunity for employees to socialise outside of work, get your recommended weekly exercise and help create a sense of identity by representing your company.


Date: Saturday October 7th 2023

Venue: GAA National Games Development Centre, Abbotstown, Dublin

Format: Two sections – Competitive and Recreational

Team size: 7-a-side (Panel of 12)

Cost: €100 per team


There will be two sections to the blitz on the day:


  1. Competitive: Where organisations will compete to be crowned LGFA Interfirm champions 2023


  1. Recreational: No matter the level experience or ability, an opportunity to play lots of football, socialise with your co-workers and other organisations, and have fun playing lots of football in a non-competitive environment.


How to get involved:


  1. Promote internally within your company/ organisation to see if there is interest in participating. Please note the below playing conditions in relation to Player eligibility and also insurance.


  1. If your company is interested in being involved in Interfirms Activity, please complete the

    LGFA Interfirms Entry Form

    and return with payment by Friday 15th September 2023 to vincent.whelan@lgfa.ie


  1. Organisations should attempt to conduct some form of training prior to the blitz.  We would recommend for companies to meet up at least 4 times prior to the blitz for a 1 hour coaching session – this will help with team cohesion, preparation of the blitz day etc.  The LGFA will provide samples sessions for companies to conduct if required.


Playing Conditions


  1. Full playing rules of LGFA apply


  1. All players are exempt from the Injury Fund – players are advised to invest in their own insurance cover or through the organisation.  The LGFA will accept no responsibility for injury caused to players during the course of the blitz.


  1. Where companies wish to enter more than one team, they must supply a team list for each team.  Players will only be permitted to play with one team for the duration of the competition and organisations can only apply for entry for one team per section.


  1. Disciplinary matters- If a player is red carded during the course of the blitz, she will not be eligible to participate in the remainder of the blitz.


  1. Player Eligibility


Firms shall not be allowed play the following players:

  • Players who come to a firm solely for training purposes for a period of three months or less and are not employed under the same terms as permanent or temporary employees
  • Prison officers, Garda recruits, trainee teachers, while training, can only play with a firm in the area they are based while training
  • A player who has not yet commenced their employment with that firm
  • Guest players will not be permitted
  • Contractors are not permitted to play – players must be employed directly by the company entering the team


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