Club AGM should be held on or before the 1st December. Members should be notified at least 5 days beforehand. The outgoing secretary & treasurer should give a report of the activities in the club for the previous year The AGM shall elect: Chairperson Vice Chairperson Secretary Registrar Treasurer Delegates to the County Board & County Convention Postions of Assistant Secretary, Assistant Treasurer, PRO, Development Officer & Culture & Language Office may also be elected. Each club must appoint a Children’s Officer, who should be a member of the Management Committee A report from this AGM must be sent to your County Board within 10 days of your AGM Clubs 50 Club Visits Club Compás Critical Incident Response Plan Take a Second Club School Links Cara Sport Inclusion Disability Charter Active Disability Ireland Xcessible Club Toolkit Club Nursery Programme Club Participation Certificate Welcome Poster Club Female Liaison Officer Covid-19 Club Education Finance Funding opportunities Holding an AGM LGFA Talk Project Sports Capital Programme Transgender policy Child Welfare and Protection Registration - Foireann One Club Guidelines Club Officer Guidelines Club Development Kidzone Sign Club Re-Grading Player Transfers