Clubs are always looking for funding opportunities in their area so it is essential to make contact with your Local Sports Partnerships (LSP’s) and to have your club contact details on their mailing lists. Funding can be available at various times of the year for items like equipment or coaching courses for example. All Local Sports Partnership Details are provided.


All clubs fundraise also at various stages throughout the year to ensure they have the funds to keep the club running. It is important for clubs to establish a budget at the beginning of the year and think about the whole club and not just one team in it. The main expenditures range from affiliations and registrations through to transport and playing equipment. Clubs should meet at the beginning of the year and try to forecast possible expenditure and then decide on what fundraising activities are needed.

What the first things you need to take into account when fund raising?

  • Check for other events in the area/ time of the year
  • Set a target of how much you need to fundraise
  • Establish a time limit for the project(s)
  • Focus on project and establish sub committee
  • Remember: Less activities – better returns

Tips for Organising Fundraising (Pdf, 164kb)


All clubs depend on securing sponsors for their teams from year to year and they are getting more difficult to source in many areas. When looking for sponsorship your club needs to look at the benefits for the sponsor and not just for your teams. It is also essential that you make a professional approach to sponsors and you can download sample sponsorship pack supplied to provide to potential sponsors. Ladies Gaelic Football Clubs have many unique selling points (USP’s) and it is important to highlight these when securing a sponsorhsip deal.

Who should you except as a Club Sponsor?

• They should have similar values to the LGFA
• Must not damage the message of the LGFA but instead enhance it
• Sponsorship must be suitable for the Team
• There are also rules with regards to sponsorship in the Official Guide – Rules 39-45

What are the stages in securing a sponsor?

  1. Make the phone call to arrange the appointment
  2. Send a letter to confirm the conversation and the time arranged for the face to face meeting
  3. Attend meeting; Who should attend? Chair?,PRO?
  4. Follow up with thank you letter and follow up regardless of the outcome as you never know when you need to return


What takes place at the meeting?

  • Bring Sponsorship pack…Leave it with sponsor
  • Have some knowledge of the business you are approaching
  • Concentrate on what they need and discuss only that
  • Talk about the benefits of LGFA and not the features
  • Listen
  • Answer Questions- why we would chose LGFA
  • Make it safe for people to say “yes”

How should you treat potential sponsors?

  • Invite them to a game as a  guest
  • Show them a video of the game
  • Keep them a copy of the programme
  • When sending out invites/letters make sure they are personalised
  • Send newsletter to them when/if published
  • Match tickets with a  personalised letter
  • Meet and greet- hospitality
  • Your Priority is your sponsor at the game as they are selling LGFA back to the key decision maker in the company.
  • Sponsor meet the captains before the game, only if practical
  • Teams should be encouraged to thank the sponsor
  • Make sure they are thanked personally for coming
  • Present a jersey signed to the sponsor. Could also get this signed


What should your club do now?

  • Brainstorm potential sponsors
  • Design sponsorship pack for sponsors
  • Rehearse your phone call
  • Make phone call to arrange meeting with sponsor, talk to PA, or secretary
  • Be Confident, Calm, & Concise


Applying for Grants

The below webinar will provide you with guidance from S3 Solutions in relation to applying for grants.


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