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County Management Teams play a vital role in the development of our players during the transition from club to county football and therefore it is essential that you select the most suitable personnel for these positions. We have devised a number of sample documents that may assist you with this selection process which can be a stressful time for county executives.

The below documents are templates and should be amended to suit your needs in the county. It is important that you start the year as you want to continue and have these correct procedures in place.


Sample Manager Role Description

Sample Underage Manager Role Description

Sample Inter County Mgt Application Form

Sample Inter County Mgt Interview Q’s

Sample Inter County Mgt Interview Score Sheet

Suggested Inter County Management Teams Selection Criteria

Sample Agreement between Co Boards & Adult Team Managements

Sample Agreement between Co boards and Underage Team Managements

Sample Budget Plan for Inter County Mgt Teams

End of Year Review Areas


As above, it is essential that you amend these templates to suit your specific needs. You can never underestimate the value and power of a good management team on your players. Remember your Players!!


“Somewhere behind the athlete you’ve become and the hours of practice and the coaches who have pushed you is a little girl who fell in love with the game and never looked back… play for her.”

Mia Hamm

(Women’s World FIFA Soccer Player Of The Year 2001 & 2002)


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